Moxie Mouse @moxiemouse - Tumblr Blog | Tumlook (2024)



Jul 11, 2020

I’m working on some character sheets and it’s sooooo hard to stay on model 😫



Jul 7, 2019

i think i’m getting a wee bit closer to figuring out how I want to draw his face. After studying a bunch of different artists styles, I’m liking the ones that have the expressive puppy dog eyebrows, and a less square jaw. (He looks a little too much like Bruce to me when he’s drawn that way.) When I first started reading the batman comics, I was really confused as to who was who since they all had short black hair. I was used to reading manga where faces look more similar, but you can tell the different characters from their clothes and hair, and the artist would stay on from book to book so there weren’t style differences that would confuse me.



Jul 6, 2019

Aaaaaand still figuring out nightwing



Jul 6, 2019

Still trying to figure out how to draw dick Grayson. The hair is actually super hard 😅



Jul 6, 2019



Jun 30, 2019

Been reading a lot more western comics. It’s trippy how the look of the characters change in the different books when the artist changes. This is an amalgamation of me staring at a lot of Nightwing / Dick Grayson drawings by different artists. He is one of my favorites in the DC universe, but fanart of his is kinda hard to find, so I figured I’d draw my own. Maybe next time, I’ll add the mask 😛



May 20, 2019

It’s week 4 of Analytical Figure Drawing and I don’t know if I’m getting the musculature of the back. Homework’s due Monday, and feedback on Tuesday so I guess I’ll find out then how to improve.



May 7, 2019

Week 2 of Analytical Figure Drawing class! I kinda biffed week 1′s homework by adding too much detail to the gestures. Hoping to at least do it correctly for week 2. We’re basically building from the inside out, which means this week, we’re identifying major landmarks on the body (where the bones show on the body) and boxing out the ribcage and pelvis. Despite biffing week 1, I’m really enjoying the class.

I don’t even know how people get in these poses. Unfortunately I didn’t note the reference for most of these photos with the exception of the Afro-swordsman. That’s from which if you haven’t checked out, is a really great resource for artists.



Apr 28, 2019

ok, after a few weeks off from drawing, I’m starting Analytical Figure Drawing at cgma. first week’s homework is 150 gesture drawings. i’m straight up slow at this, so i’m not gonna make it. BUT we only need 5 to upload. It started getting easier after the 20th one. there’s a few here i really like, and there’s a few i really hate that i won’t be uploading. :D but it’s nice to be able to get feedback on the ones i had trouble with to figure out what went wrong.



Apr 22, 2019

A quick drawing, based on pose from Michelangelo’s David



Apr 21, 2019

Just so I don’t forget later, Grayson #16 was hilarious. 😂


Apr 20, 2019

Been binging on Nightwing and Grayson comics on DC Universe. He’s really likable, esp with Barbara and Damian. I can’t believe Tom King shot him in the head.



Apr 8, 2019

Cat woman and Batman formal wear design. Inspired by all the awesome cosplayers at WonderCon. I don’t have the time (or abs) to pull this off, but it sure was fun to draw and loosen up after 8 weeks of thinking through perspective drawings.



Feb 26, 2019

Don’t read this

My dog died today. She was 15 years old. She died at home in her bed while my 10yo son and I petted her, telling her we love her.

My husband was out of town, and I had to go pick up my youngest from after school care and I didn’t want him to come home to dead pet. So my oldest and I took her down to the vet for cremation.

It was hard watching a creature die, much less one that has been such a good girl. She had a 2 seizures that day. One in the morning and one during a conference call in the middle of my turn to present. They paused it so I could look after her. I put her in her bed to rest. Her breathe was labored. She laid there, but never got back up.

2 hours later, she was too tired to go on. We cried as we kept wondering if that breath was her last. 4:20pm she passed away. I wrapped her body in white muslin. She was limp but still warm. I tried to close her eyes but the wouldn’t stay shut and that was really eerie when I got a glimpse of her blank stare as I placed her in the crate to take her to be cremated. My son asked the vet to light the candles for her and they obliged.

They made a little memorial for her out of drawings and play doh. I let the boys have Girl Scout cookies for dinner and watch cartoons till bedtime. I tried not to cry because it made my oldest cry too. I tried to cheer them up. But now its 1am. They’re sound asleep. I’m so tired but I can’t sleep. Tomorrow I’ll need to make them feel better again, but for right now, f*ck I’m sad.



Feb 16, 2019

This is week 2′s assignment for perspective class. A Throne room in 2 point perspective. We’ll see what the instructor says. I’m still a little baffled on ellipsis. I’m just eyeballing how wide they should be. And next time I’m going to draw a box holding the stairs first so I can calculate their exact height. But I really like how King Baby turned out.



Feb 10, 2019

First week of perspective class. The left side of the drawing I did ok. Instructor liked my clock, plant, and the details in the drawers and the ceiling. Right side bed and circular objects need some work. I feel like I’m qualified to layout IKEA instructions now. Next up will be 2 point perspective.

Moxie Mouse @moxiemouse - Tumblr Blog | Tumlook (2024)
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