Hediffs - RimWorld Wiki (2024)

Pretty Label
Dark psychic invisibilityThis creature is psychically twisting the perceptions of humans, animals, and machines in the vicinity in such a way as to seem invisible. The eye receives their image as normal but the mind cannot perceive it.Hediff Class: HediffWithComps
Is Bad: false

# Invisibility:
Visible To Player: false
Fade Duration Ticks: 60ticks (1sec)
Recover From Disrupted Ticks: 90ticks (1.5secs)

Disappears On Death

Revenant hypnosisThis person has been hypnotized by a revenant and remains linked to it. They ramble about nightmarish creatures while their unblinking eyes stare at invisible horrors.

After hypnotizing a victim, the revenant will hibernate somewhere on the same map as its victim.

Killing the revenant will end the hypnosis. A hidden revenant can be revealed by disruptor flares, explosives, EMP, firefoam, or fire.

Hediff Class: HediffWithComps
Duplication Allowed: false
Disappears On Death


State Effecter: Revenant hypnosis

Gives Infection Pathways: RevenantHypnotized

Consciousness Max: 10%
Awoken hypnosisThis person has been hypnotized by an awoken unnatural corpse. The trance is absolute, but if the awoken corpse breaks its gaze then the hypnosis will end.Hediff Class: HediffWithComps
Prevents Crawling: true
Disappears On Death
Disappears After Ticks: 50ticks (0.83secs) (Overridden when added)
Death refusalThis person is infused with a seed of nanoscale archotech machines that can recreate life. After they die, the archites will sustain their mind and, when they choose, rebuild their body. The flesh will rapidly reform, replacing missing organs and healing wounds. The process is not perfect and may cause scarring or other health complications. This can only be done a certain number of times.Hediff Class: Hediff_DeathRefusal
Is Bad: false
Show Gizmos On Corpse: true
Death refusal
Debug Label Extra: creepjoiner
This person is infused with a seed of nanoscale archotech machines that can recreate life. After they die, the archites will sustain their mind and, when they choose, rebuild their body. The flesh will rapidly reform, replacing missing organs and healing wounds. The process is not perfect and may cause scarring or other health complications. This can only be done a certain number of times.Hediff Class: Hediff_DeathRefusal_CreepJoiner
Is Bad: false
Show Gizmos On Corpse: true
Death refusal sicknessAfter-effects of death refusal. This person has returned from the dead.Disappears After Ticks: 60,000ticks (1in-game day)
Show Remaining Time: true
Pain Offset: +5%
Consciousness Post Factor: 95%
RegenerationThis creature is experiencing an impossibly fast rate of regeneration supported by a distant archotechnological engine. They will heal nearly any wound in a short time.Is Bad: false# Unnatural
Min Severity: 0%
Regeneration: 100
# Impossible
Min Severity: 50%
Regeneration: 350
Pain fieldA searing pain caused by the presence of a psychically active entity nearby. The effect intensifies when the entity is more active.Hediff Class: Hediff_PainField
Ever Curable By Item: false

# Pain Field:
Activity Multiplier: (0.1, 0.2), (0.9, 1)
Pain Distance: 5.9 (Tiles)
Activated Minimum: 15%
Disappears After Ticks: 50ticks (0.83secs)
Require Link On Other Pawn: false

Agony pulsePure projected mental pain caused by a shock-pulse of suffering. It is overwhelming, but dissipates relatively quickly.Hediff Class: HediffWithComps
Initial Severity: 0.1%
Max Severity: 100%
Show Remaining Time: true
Severity Per Second Range: 0.1~0.15 (10 to 15 seconds)
# Acute
Min Severity: 0%
Pain Offset: +100%

# Lingering
Min Severity: 95%
Pain Offset: +25%

Metalhorror implantationA gestating creature of metallic horror. Starting from a tiny archometallic seed, it will quickly take control of the nervous system, grow, and extend throughout the host's body until it is ready to reveal itself. Once discovered, you can use the surgical inspection operation to cause a metalhorror to emerge from its host. Be prepared for a fight.Hediff Class: Hediff_MetalhorrorImplant
Ever Curable By Item: false

Surgery Inspectable Metal Horror:
Prevent Letter If Previously Detected: true

# Possible Pathways:
Prearrival Generic: Implanted before arrival at your colony
Entity Attacked: Implanted through {SOURCEKIND_label} attack
Revenant Hypnotized: Implanted by revenant during hypnosis

# Become Visible: false
Machine speedRapid movement driven by a surge of unnatural archotechnological strength. This burst of speed cannot last long.Hediff Class: HediffWithComps
Disappears After Ticks: 360ticks (6secs)~640ticks (10.67secs)
Move Speed Factor: ×120%
Dark psychic shockPart of this person's neural pattern has been disrupted by a dark psychic power. The shock from this process has left them in a temporary coma.Hediff Class: HediffWithComps
Disappears After Ticks: 60,000ticks (1in-game day)~120,000ticks (2in-game days)
Show Remaining Time: true
Consciousness Max: 10%
Psychic tranceThis person's mind is linked with an ambient psychic field from a distant archotech. They have been placed in a trance-like state. The unnatural influence sustains them - they have almost no need for food or rest.Hediff Class: Hediff_PsychicTrance
Is Bad: false
Disappears On Death
Hunger Rate Factor: 10%
Rest Fall Rate Factor Offset: −90%
Duplicate sicknessPsychic interference between this person and their duplicate is causing slow mental deterioration. As long as multiple copies of this person are alive, the condition will keep getting worse. However, the condition will not be lethal.Hediff Class: Hediff_DuplicateSickness
Initial Severity: 0.1%
Max Severity: 100%
Always Show Severity: true
Duplication Allowed: false
Severity Per Day: +10%

# Message Above Severity:
Severity: 20%
Message Type: Neutral event
Message: {0_nameDef} is now suffering from duplicate sickness.

# Surgery Inspectable:
Surgical Detection Desc: {PAWN_nameDef} is suffering from duplicate sickness. Psychic interference between this person and their duplicate is causing slow mental deterioration. As long as multiple copies of this person are alive, the condition will keep getting worse.

Disappears On Death

# Initial
Become Visible: false

# Initial
Min Severity: 20%
Consciousness Offset: −5%
Mental Break Threshold: +4%

# Moderate
Min Severity: 50%
Consciousness Offset: −10%
Mental Break Threshold: +8%

# Extreme
Min Severity: 80%
Consciousness Offset: −15%
Mental Break Threshold: +14%

# Debilitating
Min Severity: 95%
Consciousness Max: 10%

Crumbling Mind BaseThis person is experiencing a rapidly decaying mental state. Within a few days, they will be incapable of most work. With sufficient technology, like a healer mech serum, the condition can still be reversed. However, it will soon become permanent.Hediff Class: HediffWithComps
Initial Severity: 0.1%
Max Severity: 100%
Is Bad: true
Duplication Allowed: false
Default Install Part: Brain
Crumbling Mind Undiagnosed BaseThis person is showing early signs of a condition which will cause severe mental degradation. They will begin to display symptoms within a matter of days.Hediff Class: HediffWithComps
Initial Severity: 0.1%
Max Severity: 100%
Is Bad: true
Duplication Allowed: false
Default Install Part: Brain

# Remove If Other Hediff:
Hediffs: CrumblingMind, CrumbledMind

# Surgery Inspectable:
Surgical Detection Desc: {PAWN_nameDef} is showing early signs of a severe condition which will soon cause severe mental degradation. {SURGEON_nameDef} can't yet tell exactly what is causing this, but {PAWN_nameDef} will become very ill within the next few days.


Become Visible: false
Undiagnosed Duplication Crumbling MindThis person is showing early signs of a condition which will cause severe mental degradation. They will begin to display symptoms within a matter of days.Hediff Class: HediffWithComps
Initial Severity: 0.1%
Max Severity: 100%
Is Bad: true
Duplication Allowed: false
Default Install Part: Brain
Severity Per Day Range: +50~200%
Show Hours To Recover: true

# Replace Hediff:
Hediffs: CrumblingMind
Letter Label: Crumbling mind: {PAWN_nameDef}
Letter Desc: {PAWN_nameDef} has begun experiencing pounding headaches. {PAWN_pronoun} can't seem to think straight and is quickly losing {PAWN_possessive} cognitive function. Something has gone wrong in the duplication process.

With sufficient technology, like a healer mech serum, the condition can still be reversed. However, if not treated, it will soon become permanent.

# Remove If Other Hediff:
Hediffs: CrumblingMind, CrumbledMind

# Surgery Inspectable:
Surgical Detection Desc: {PAWN_nameDef} is showing early signs of a severe condition which will soon cause severe mental degradation. {SURGEON_nameDef} can't yet tell exactly what is causing this, but {PAWN_nameDef} will become very ill within the next few days.


Become Visible: false
Undiagnosed Creepjoiner Crumbling MindThis person is showing early signs of a condition which will cause severe mental degradation. They will begin to display symptoms within a matter of days.Hediff Class: HediffWithComps
Initial Severity: 0.1%
Max Severity: 100%
Is Bad: true
Duplication Allowed: false
Default Install Part: Brain
Severity Per Day Range: +30~50%
Show Hours To Recover: true

# Replace Hediff:
Hediffs: CrumblingMind
Manually Triggered: true
Letter Label: Crumbling mind: {PAWN_nameDef}
Letter Desc: {PAWN_nameDef} has begun experiencing pounding headaches and begs for help. {PAWN_pronoun} can't think straight and is losing {PAWN_possessive} cognitive function. {PAWN_nameDef} claims that {PAWN_pronoun} has seen a vision of the future. Within a matter of days, {PAWN_possessive} mind will crumble and {PAWN_pronoun} will become incapable of most tasks.

The condition is currently reversible with sufficient technology, like a healer mech serum, but will soon become permanent.

# Remove If Other Hediff:
Hediffs: CrumblingMind, CrumbledMind

# Surgery Inspectable:
Surgical Detection Desc: {PAWN_nameDef} is showing early signs of a severe condition which will soon cause severe mental degradation. {SURGEON_nameDef} can't yet tell exactly what is causing this, but {PAWN_nameDef} will become very ill within the next few days.


Become Visible: false
Crumbling MindThis person is experiencing a rapidly decaying mental state. Within a few days, they will be incapable of most work. With sufficient technology, like a healer mech serum, the condition can still be reversed. However, it will soon become permanent.Hediff Class: HediffWithComps
Initial Severity: 0.1%
Max Severity: 100%
Is Bad: true
Duplication Allowed: false
Default Install Part: Brain
Severity Per Day: +33%
Show Hours To Recover: true

# Replace Hediff:
Hediffs: CrumbledMind
Message: {PAWN_nameDef}'s cognitive condition has become permanent.

# Mild
Consciousness Post Factor: 90%

# Moderate
Min Severity: 40%
Consciousness Post Factor: 75%

# Extreme
Min Severity: 80%
Consciousness Post Factor: 60%

Crumbled mindThis person has lost most of their cognitive ability, preventing them from doing complex tasks. They are a husk of their former self.

The condition is incurable.

Hediff Class: HediffWithComps
Ever Curable By Item: false
Default Install Part: Brain
Disabled Work Tags: Caring, ManualDumb, Intellectual, ManualSkilled
Consciousness Post Factor: 60%
Bliss lobotomyThis person has been psychically lobotomized, placing them in a state of bliss but limiting their cognitive function.Hediff Class: HediffWithComps
Clears Ego: true

# Thought Setter:
Thought: Bliss lobotomy

Disabled Work Tags: Intellectual, ManualSkilled
Global Learning Factor Offset: −50%
Disruptor flashThe initial psychic burst from a disruptor flare has left this creature dazed.Hediff Class: Hediff_DisruptorFlash
Ever Curable By Item: false
Disappears After Ticks: 1,800ticks (30secs)
Show Remaining Time: true
Pleasure pulseThis person has been impacted by a psychic pulse of pleasurable sensations and emotions. They feel unnaturally happy, distracting them from their work.Hediff Class: HediffWithComps
Ever Curable By Item: false
Show Remaining Time: true
Lovin MTB Factor: 0.5
Global Work Speed Factor: 80%
Neurosis pulseThis person has been affected by a psychic pulse of motivated, neurotic emotions. This makes them irritable, but also motivates them to work faster.Hediff Class: HediffWithComps
Ever Curable By Item: false
Show Remaining Time: true
Global Work Speed Factor: 150%
Joy Fall Rate Factor: 50%
Mental Break Threshold Offset: +8%
VoidsightThis person has ingested a drug which enhanced their perception of dark psychic phenomena. They will gain more knowledge when studying dark psychic phenomena and entities. Their psychic sensitivity is also increased.Hediff Class: HediffWithComps
Is Bad: false
Disappears On Death

# Disappears Disableable:
Disappears After Ticks: 900,000ticks (15in-game days)
Show Remaining Time: true

Study Efficiency Factor: 125%
Psychic Sensitivity Factor: 125%
MetalbloodThis creature has the metalblood compound in their bloodstream. This substance can rapidly harden the flesh when it anticipates a blow, making the user more resistant to damage. However, the bioferrite-based chemistry of this serum also makes the user particularly vulnerable to fire.Hediff Class: HediffWithComps
Skin Shader: Metalblood
Is Bad: false
Disappears On Death

# Disappears Disableable:
Disappears After Ticks: 300,000ticks (5in-game days)
Show Remaining Time: true

Incoming Damage Factor: 50%
Flame Damage Factor: 400%
Burn Damage Factor: 400%
Mind-numb serumThis person's neural patterns are being moderated by an exotic serum. They're unaffected by the highs and lows of human emotion. They will never have a mental break but they will also never feel inspired.Hediff Class: HediffWithComps
Is Bad: false
Disappears On Death

# Disappears Disableable:
Disappears After Ticks: 120,000ticks (2in-game days)
Show Remaining Time: true

Blocks Mental Breaks: true
Blocks Inspirations: true
Pct All Thought Nullification: 100%
Override Mood Base: 90%
Consciousness Offset: −5%
Juggernaut serumA serum is super-powering this person's musculature, making them stronger and faster, but reducing their mood due to discomfort.Hediff Class: HediffWithComps
Is Bad: false
Disappears On Death

# Disappears Disableable:
Disappears After Ticks: 600,000ticks (10in-game days)
Show Remaining Time: true

Melee Damage Factor: 150%
Injury Healing Factor: 200%
Move Speed Offset: +0.5 c/s
Blood rageThis creature has been exposed to blood rain, a psychofluid that induces rage. This rage will continue to grow as long as they're exposed to the blood rain, eventually resulting in a violent mental break. The effect grows quicker in some individuals, depending on their traits, psychic sensitivity, and random individual differences.Hediff Class: Hediff_BloodRage
Initial Severity: 0.1%
Max Severity: 100%
Always Show Severity: true
# Very mild
Become Visible false

# Mild
Min Severity 5%
Melee Damage Factor: 110%

# Moderate
Min Severity 40%
Melee Damage Factor: 125%

# Severe
Min Severity 60%
Melee Damage Factor: 137.5%

# Extreme
Min Severity 80%
Melee Damage Factor: 150%

# Extreme
Min Severity 100%
Blocks Sleeping: true
Melee Damage Factor: 150%

Frenzy fieldThis person is under the influence of a psychic field which sharpens their mental energy. They're channeling the nervous anger to move and work faster. However, any mental breaks will be violent.Hediff Class: Hediff_FrenzyField
Initial Severity: 0.1%
Max Severity: 100%
Always Show Severity: true
Ever Curable By Item: false
# Very mild
Become Visible: false

# Mild
Min Severity 5%
Move Speed Offset: +0.1 c/s
Global Work Speed Offset: +20%

# Moderate
Min Severity 35%
Move Speed Offset: +0.2 c/s
Global Work Speed Offset: +30%

# Extreme
Min Severity 65%
Move Speed Offset: +0.4 c/s
Global Work Speed Offset: +50%

Cube interestThis person is drawn to the golden cube. If separated from the cube for too long, they'll start to experience negative effects.Hediff Class: Hediff_CubeInterest
Initial Severity: 10%
Max Severity: 100%
Always Show Severity: true
Is Bad: false

# Report String Overrides:
Job Def: GotoWander
Report String: Wandering and thinking about the cube.

Job Def: Wait_Wander
Report String: Wandering and thinking about the cube.

Job Def: Wait_Asleep
Report String: Asleep, dreaming about the cube.

Job Def: Meditate
Report String: Meditating on the cube.

Job Def: Pray
Report String: Praying for the cube.

Job Def: MeditatePray
Report String: Praying for the cube.

# Curious

# Fascinated
Min Severity 33%
Rest Fall Rate Factor: 80%
Global Work Speed Factor: 90%

# Obsessed
Min Severity 66%
Rest Fall Rate Factor: 60%
Global Work Speed Factor: 80%
Mental Break Threshold Offset: +4%

Cube withdrawalThis person obsessively wants to find their golden cube. Their skin itches and their mind races, thinking of ways to get closer to the cube. Their symptoms will get worse until they play with the cube.Hediff Class: Hediff_CubeWithdrawal
Initial Severity: 0.1%
Max Severity: 100%
Always Show Severity: true
Become Visible: false

# Initial
Min Severity 10%
Consciousness Offset: −10%

# Moderate
Min Severity 35%
Consciousness Offset: −15%

# Extreme
Min Severity 65%
Consciousness Offset: −20%

Cube comaThis person was connected to a golden cube and then separated from it. Severing the link this way has put them in a coma.Hediff Class: HediffWithComps
Disappears On Death

# Disappears Disableable:
Show Remaining Time: true

Consciousness Post Factor: 10%
Cube angerThis person is upset that their cube sculptures have been destroyed. Continuing to destroy their sculptures may cause them to become violent.Hediff Class: HediffWithComps
Initial Severity: 0.1%
Max Severity: 100%
Always Show Severity: true
Disappears On Death

# Cause Mental State:
Override Letter Label: Cube rage: {PAWN_nameDef}
Override Letter Desc: {PAWN_nameDef} can no longer control {PAWN_possessive} anger. Too many of {PAWN_possessive} precious cube sculptures have been destroyed.

{PAWN_nameDef} has flown into a berserk rage!
Human Mental State: Berserk
MTB Days To Cause Mental State: 0.04
Remove On Triggered: true
End Mental State On Cure: false
Min Severity: 100%
Forced: true

Become Visible: false
Void shockThis individual has witnessed the void. Their mind reels from the shock, overflowing with visions of infinite roiling, squirming, searing darkness stretching into the bottomless abyss from every surface and every screaming face.Hediff Class: HediffWithComps
Disappears On Death

# Disappears Disableable:
Show Remaining Time: true

Consciousness Post Factor: 10%
Brainwipe comaThis person has had their memories erased. The violent nature of the process has put them into a coma.Hediff Class: HediffWithComps

# Disappears:
Show Remaining Time: true

Consciousness Max: 10%
Void touchedThis person has seen the depths of the void and drank from its essence. It lives inside them still, guiding their actions and twisting their flesh. It has turned their hair brittle and white. They no longer need sleep or comfort. The void provides for them.Hediff Class: HediffWithComps
Is Bad: false
Disables Needs: Rest, Comfort
Hair Color Override:
Gray Eyes

# Give Ability:
Ability Defs: Void terror

Study Efficiency: 200%
Psychic Sensitivity: 200%
Regeneration: 100
Corpse tormentThis person shares a psychic link with a corpse that appears to be their exact duplicate. They have done something to anger it, causing them to fall unconscious.Hediff Class: HediffWithComps

# Disappears:
Disappears After Ticks: 60,000ticks (1in-game day)
Show Remaining Time: true

Pain Offset: +20%
Consciousness Max: 10%
Psychically deadThis person's psychic presence has been consumed and burned away, leaving them cut off from psychic phenomena.Hediff Class: HediffWithComps
Ever Curable By Item: false
Psychic Sensitivity Factor: 0%
PsychophageThis person has devoured the psychic presence of another, making them more psychically sensitive for a period of time.Hediff Class: HediffWithComps
Is Bad: false

# Disappears:
Show Remaining Time: true

Psychic Sensitivity Offset: +50%
Sleep suppressionThis person's brain chemistry is being affected by a psychic pulsation, preventing the buildup of fatigue toxins. This reduces their need for sleep.Hediff Class: Hediff_SleepSuppression
Initial Severity: 0.1%
Max Severity: 100%
Always Show Severity: true
Is Bad: false
# Very mild
Become Visible: false

# Mild
Min Severity: 10%
Rest Fall Rate Factor: 50%

# Moderate
Min Severity: 35%
Rest Fall Rate Factor: 15%

# Extreme
Min Severity: 65%
Rest Fall Rate Factor: 0%

Shard holder[1]
  1. won't be seen outside of dev-mode
This creature will drop a shard when defeated. This text is visible in dev mode only.Hediff Class: Hediff_ShardHolder
Is Bad: false
Disappears On Death
Become Visible: false
Rage speedThis creature has been enraged by its wounds and is moving faster.Hediff Class: HediffWithComps
Is Bad: false

# Effecter:
State Effecter: RageSpeedState

# Disappears:
Disappears After Ticks: 3,600ticks (1min)
Show Remaining Time: true

Pain Factor: 0%
Move Speed Factor: 175%
Stagger Duration Factor: 0%
InhumanizationThis person's mind is dominated by the psychic patterns of the void. They are completely disconnected from human concerns of family, friendship, and love. Their experience of reality is distant and muted, guided by the psychic rhythm of a dark hyperintelligence.Hediff Class: Hediff_Inhumanized
Ever Curable By Item: false
Keep On Body Part Restoration: True
Allowed Meditation Focus Types: Void
Disables Needs: Beauty, Outdoors
Aptitudes: −12 Animals, −12 Social, −12 Artistic
# Pain Offset: −50%
Opinion Of Others Factor: 0%
Comfy Temperature Min: −16°C (60.8°F)
Light exposureEven the slightest exposure to light causes great discomfort to this creature, slowing it and weakening its attacks.Hediff Class: Hediff_LightExposure
Min Severity: 0%
Max Severity: 100%
Initial Severity: 0%
Ever Curable By Item: false
# Initial
Become Visible: false

# Moderate
Min Severity: 10%
Melee Cooldown Factor: 125%
Move Speed Factor: 90%
Pain Offset: +5%

# Serious
Min Severity: 40%
Melee Cooldown Factor: 150%
Move Speed Factor: 80%
Pain Offset: +10%

# Extreme
Min Severity: 80%
Melee Cooldown Factor: 200%
Move Speed Factor: 50%
Pain Offset: +15%

Darkness exposureThis person is immersed in the unnatural darkness. Creatures or influences in the darkness will harm them if they stay too long.Hediff Class: Hediff_DarknessExposure
Ever Curable By Item: false
Become Visible: false
Bioferrite extractedBioferrite has been surgically removed from this entity. It will regenerate, but the process takes days.Hediff Class: HediffWithComps

# Disappears:
Disappears After Ticks: 480,000ticks (8in-game days)
Show Remaining Time: true

Pain Offset: +10%
Hediffs - RimWorld Wiki (2024)
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Author: Edwin Metz

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Views: 5824

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Author information

Name: Edwin Metz

Birthday: 1997-04-16

Address: 51593 Leanne Light, Kuphalmouth, DE 50012-5183

Phone: +639107620957

Job: Corporate Banking Technician

Hobby: Reading, scrapbook, role-playing games, Fishing, Fishing, Scuba diving, Beekeeping

Introduction: My name is Edwin Metz, I am a fair, energetic, helpful, brave, outstanding, nice, helpful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.